I was REALLY surprised to find that I'd be nominated for a 'Versatile Blogger' Award! I only started blogging after LB was born and have never taken it too seriously, I just enjoy writing about my beautiful son and our little family!
I was nominated by Jaqueline (www.smithsareus.blogspot.co.uk) who has a son of a very similar age to LB and Lystra (www.twoyearsblog.wordpress.com) who has a two year old boy. Coincidentally, I love reading both their blogs too and highly recommend them!
Here are the rules of the Versatile Blogger Award:
- Be sure to thank the blogger that has nominated you, in your post.
- Write 7 facts about yourself and nominate 7 other bloggers.
-You must put the Vesatile Blogger Award pic on your post.
Seven facts, here goes...
1. I am one of 14 children. I'm my mother's only child, but my dad has got 14 children. He's been married to 6 women (Like Henry VIII I say!) His oldest child is 54, his youngest 7. I'm number 13, FYI.2. I'm OBSESSED with yoghurt. It's literally got that bad my partner has to stop me eating them sometimes! When I go to Tesco's, its the first aisle I head towards! I probably eat 2-4 a day at the moment. I love trying new flavours and literally get excited when I see a new flavour or brand advertised! My favourite at the moment are Shape coconut mousse with dark chocolate (not strictly a yoghurt but awesome!)
3. I don't drive. I was bought a car and lessons for my 17th birthday. After my initial 12 lessons I didn't carry on and by 19th birthday my mum was driving 'my' car. Five years on and with a son, I intend to learn to drive ASAP!
4. I've got a bit of a thing for candles, especially Yankee candles. For secret Santa at work for the past three years, I've been bought candles!
5. Our landlord and landlady are both actors, one of them starring in Emmerdale!
6. I've got an unhealthy obsession with ALL thing Batman.
7. I've swam with dolphins at a sanctuary in the Bahamas (It was a 10th birthday present, the best ever!)
Now to recommend my seven favourite blogs:
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